Monday, April 30, 2007

Coming soon: miscarriage number 2

No heartbeat on today's ultrasound, so I'm having a D&C tomorrow morning.

The universe is awfully rude. Not only do I have two embryos with no heartbeat, but I also have a bad cold coupled with zero miscarriage symptoms and still-present pregnancy symptoms. Good times.


Unknown said...

I am so sorry. It sucks so badly. I wish you gentleness and peace through this grief.

Anonymous said...

I am sad for you; I'm sorry the outcome was not different. I hope you have people to surround you with love.

Unknown said...

i just wanted to tell you that your blogs are a much needed relief. i'm pretty sure i'm having my fourth miscarriage in less than a year (i'm thinking of throwing a 4 peat party) and it's wonderful to know there's someone out there that thinks and writes the way I do (at least about this subject). sometimes things I say to deal with it offend people--for example, the day before my second miscarriage, i randomly ran into my old high school boyfriend (he wasn't the nicest guy)--I joked that i was pretty sure his presence killed my baby. i thought it was kind of funny. bad example, but you get the idea. every other blog/site is "oh, baby dust to you" or "everything happens for a reason and your time will come." Yeah, yeah, yeah. so, thank you.

Margie said...

So sorry for your losses, but I really appreciate you documenting your story. I am going on my second miscarriage with the exact details of yours (both times) -- minus the twins part. The waiting game is brutal. Waiting for that ultrasound with no heartbeat so you can get a D&C and start all over again is unbearable. I just went for a 6w4days ultrasound- baby measures 5w6days, heartbeat 80something, should be 100something. Spotting for a week. Last miscarriage it was almost a month from first spotting to D&C. Not sure if I can handle it again!
How are things working out for you? Did you guys try again?
Thanks for your story