Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The big 4-0

And here we are. 40 weeks today.

Funny how the number 40 has so many different significant meanings -- the Jews wandered in the desert for 40 years, Noah's flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights, Ali Baba had 40 thieves, freed slaves were given 40 acres and a mule. Of course, it's all well and good to consider a pregnancy 40 weeks long, because the average human gestation is actually 41 weeks and a day. Though not everyone knows the date of conception as precisely as some of us. I know that 38 weeks today, 23 eggs were retrieved. Of those, 11 fertilized and two were good enough to transfer. I'm hoping to meet one of them in the next week or so.

After two failed pregnancies and way too many hours spent watching Discovery Channel shows about preterm labor, I'm not sure I ever thought I'd actually make it to 40 weeks. Yet here I am at the end of what's been a largely unremarkable, uneventful pregnancy. No preterm labor, no bedrest, no preeclampsia, no gestational diabetes.

The hospital where I'm delivering recommends induction at 41 weeks, because they feel the outcome of induction at 41 weeks is better than at 42 (read: fewer stillborns). Over the weekend we thought I was going into labor -- I was having what I called cramps and what others called contractions about every 3-5 minutes. But then things calmed down. Still, I'm getting anxious to meet this little person and find out if he or she is okay. So today I'm seeing an acupuncturist in the hopes she can get labor started sooner rather than later. Stay tuned.


bleu said...

Sending much love and wishes for a wonderful beautiful birth.

Kim aka Mommy said...

I'm on the edge of my seat! I can't wait to hear all about it and see this little miracle!

Lizzie said...

Wow. So close. Will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe your 40 blessedly uneventful weeks have flown by so quickly. Good luck with the birth - looking forward to meeting your little one!

Shelly said...

Those last 2 weeks (Violet was 11 days "late") were really hard for me. After years of ttc and months of pregnancy I felt like I had waited long enough! I'm sending you peaceful vibes and hoping the acupuncture spurs things along.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm thrilled for you and hope the birth goes beautifully. Much love to you. ox